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Welcome to LittleCooks


We believe in cooking from scratch, in teaching kids to cook real food, the kind without all the unrecognisable ingredients. We think that cooking should be a fun activity, one that brings people together and creates confidence in your child. Cooking uses and develops so many skills at the same time – math, reading, leadership, fine motor, social – all life skills that are crucial in our modern world. Join us on our journey and get your kids cooking!

Our Services

After School Classes

 1-2 Hour Private Sessions

Gingerbread cookie and house kits – Christmas season only

Cooking Parties

Recipe Books



Will is now chief scrambled eggs maker in our house and did a great job of making my entire Mother’s Day breakfast . Thanks to LittleCooks, William’s confidence in the kitchen has sky rocketed. Before starting at LittleCooks Will would very rarely venture into the kitchen, but he now has the skills and confidence to make basic meals from scratch, and is keen to help me prep our family meals. He even makes his own meals on nights where we have numerous activities meaning one less mouth to feed! LittleCooks has also extended his knowledge of different foods to the point where he is keen to try new foods (not always with success but at least he tries them!), has helped Will understand measurements, food health and safety, and more importantly has helped him make new friends.

Lucy apparently can’t live without her Friday afternoon cooking class! Congratulations to you for creating such a wonderful and engaging course!

By the way, the ravioli was out of this world! I had leftovers for lunch at work the next day and they were superb, my boys love coming to cooking.

The girls love LittleCooks and it's fantastic for them to learn about the various food values and healthy choices.

I love what you are doing. I think hands-on cooking skills is a great way to teach children how to eat healthy.

I've just worked out why I love LittleCooks so much. My girls love it as you know, but I love it because it's the one and only activity they do in their week that is purely for fun and enjoyment with no competition. I'm not saying competition is bad at all…I'm not that PC and I do believe in 1st, 2nd and 3rd and not everyone being a winner! But so many of their other activities involve friends and teams, and with that comes competition….and with that comes pressure. The girls have loads of activities….they swim, play netball, soccer, piano, St John etc and those activities all involve an element of competition. Sometimes I reckon it gets a bit much for kids. Anyway, I love your classes and think they are so good for kids..



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